Google Enhances Merchant Listings with New priceType Property for Better Sale Pricing Display
Google has recently introduced an update to its Merchant Listings documentation, incorporating a new priceType property to improve the way sale prices are displayed through structured data. The newly added priceType property, represented by, is designed to help merchants clearly distinguish between the original list price and the discounted sale price of a product. This feature is especially beneficial for ensuring that Google’s platforms accurately reflect promotional pricing, making it easier for users to identify discounts. With this update, merchants are required to specify both the original price using the priceType property and the current sale price using the standard price property. By implementing these structured data enhancements, Google aims to provide a more transparent view of product pricing, which can boost product visibility and improve click-through rates. This change aligns structured data for pricing with the advanced features already offered in Google Merchant Center, making it a vital update for e-commerce sites looking to optimize their listings and attract more potential buyers. Merchants should ensure they adapt their structured data markup accordingly to take full advantage of this enhanced functionality.